AI Digi+Solutions
AI Digi+ Solutions works on AI in digital Engineering, Internet of Things (IOT), PLM, Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), Digitization and Artificial Intelligence is a SME. It has research facilities in Munich. In the field of innovative commercial software technology using IoT, MBSE, PLM and Artificial Intelligence, AI Digi+ is the leading research center in Germany. Based on application oriented basic research, AI Digi+ develops product functions, prototypes and patentable solutions in the field of information and communication technology. Research and development projects are conducted in eighteen research departments, ten competence centers and seven living labs. Funding is received through grants from public funding agencies as well as from cooperation with industrial partners. AI Digi+ is actively involved in numerous organizations representing and continuously advancing Germany as an excellent location for cutting-edge research and technology. Far beyond the country’s borders AI Digi+ enjoys an excellent reputation for its academic training of young scientists. At present, number of highly qualified researchers, administrators and graduate students from different countries are contributing to different research projects. AI Digi+ serves as a stepping stone to leading positions in industry and successful careers as founders of spin-off companies.