Vilnius Gediminas technical university
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) is an innovative Lithuanian University, educating highly qualified and creative specialists. The University is the leader among the institutions of technological science education, ensuring modern studies, oriented towards the labour market. 3 research centres, 13 institutes and 22 research laboratories perform scientific research and experimental development. VGTU is proud of Civil Engineering Research Centre, the most modern centre in the Eastern Europe, as well as the Mobile Applications Laboratory, the biggest one in Lithuania. Having more than 400 international higher education institutions as partners, VGTU offers wide range of international studies and internships. VGTU is the leader in Lithuania by the number of students, studying under the Erasmus Exchange Programme abroad. VGTU has successfully participated in the EU Framework Programmes, taking part in 19 H2020 projects, 24 FP7 and 11 FP6. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University’s research has always been focused on the European Research Area. In order to achieve the best result in research, University shifts towards multidisciplinary approach in the science. Now, one of the main research areas – mechatronics – integrates mechanics, electronics, IT and control engineering. VGTU fosters national and international collaboration and helps to establish ties between research institutions and the business sector. The University organizes over 30 scientific conferences per year, both nationally and internationally, publishes 15 scientific journals, 9 of them are referred in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science. The University is involved in several international technology networks and organizations, thus, it enhances its standing as a state of the art research institution.