AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH is Austria’s largest non-university research institute. With its eight Centers, AIT is a highly specialised research and development partner for industry. Its researchers focus on the key infrastructure issues of the future: “Energy”, “Health & Bioresources”, “Digital Safety & Security”, “Vision, Automation & Control”, “Mobility Systems”, “Low-Emission Transport”, “Technology Experience” and “Innovation Systems & Policy”. Throughout the whole of Austria around 1,400 employees carry out research on the development of tools, technologies and solutions that will keep Austria’s economy fit for the future. Within AIT the Center for Digital Safety & Security (DSS) will participate in AI4CSM. DSS is developing modern information and communication technologies (ICT) and systems to establish secure, safe and reliable systems. Contributions to the Project will come from the groups Dependable Systems Engineering and Physical Layer Security. The core competences of the Dependable Systems Engineering group are on design, development, integration, and verification & validation of dependable and reliable CPS and IoT systems (also AI-based) in the production and transportation domain. Additionally, the group is active in several relevant ISO and IEC standardization groups including Safety & Security of automotive systems, Safety & Security and Reliability in Industrial Automation, Human Factors and Functional Safety, IoT (Joint ISO/IEC WG 41), and working on upcoming standards, in AIoTI and euRobotics. The Physical Layer Security group will contribute its expertise in 5G and mmWave communication.