TU Dortmund University
TU Dortmund University is with 35,000 students and 6,200 staff one of the 15 largest universities in Germany, offering around 80 bachelor's and master's degree programs. The chair of energy conversion at TU Dortmund has deep knowledge of characterisation and modelling of power semiconductors. This includes also modern wide-bandgap semiconductors such as GaN-HEMTs and SiC-MOSFETs. In addition to that, the chair of energy conversions contributes to gate driver research, including several patent applications and one granted patent. Here, approaches have been proposed for lower switching losses. Recently, inductive coupling between load and gate path has been introduced for GaN HEMTs and SiC- MOSFETs and is currently extended to balancing chips connected in parallel. Finally, the chair of energy conversions pursues research on electrical machines, also focusing on the reliability of motor windings and on new machine concepts with tightly integrated power electronics.